Friday, July 27, 2012

Episode 53: Picture That

Hi Everyone,

I know sometimes we forget the simple stuff. You know …is it left to loosen…i before e, expect after ???,  how calculate the circumference of a circle…logarithmic differentiation, you know…the simple stuff. Here’s a couple of tips when sending photos.

Sending Photos:
Everyone knows how to send photos from your iPhones & iPads. You select the photo and click on  and then select Email. You can also select  and then choose up to 5 photos to email (review Episode 47 when sending multiple groups).

Here’s the one we always forget. Okay, you are in a middle of an email conversation, replying back and forth and they ask to send a photo…there’s no attach item. Oh, that’s right, go to your photos. Find the photo you want to send. Select and hold the photo to copy. Go to your email and paste it into the email.

App of the week: Here’s an app for your iPad. You have world clocks for your iPhone, but they left that out on your iPad. Try “World Clock Free”. This is a free app that will let you create 4 time zones.

Archived Tips:

Hope this tip helps,

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