Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Episode 66: I must be losing my mind?

Hi Everyone,

Multitasking through our busy life and schedule, you may encounter a hiccup here and there. It happens to all of us. We’re running at full power to long and your brain rebooted itself. Where did I put my glasses…you know the one on top of your head. I can’t believe I forgot my number. Where did that app go? Here’s a couple of tips for those fuzzy moments in life.

Phone: What’s my number?
This happened to me today. I was filling out a work order and I forgot the last digit of my cell. If this happens to you, select the “Phone” icon on you iOS device. Select “Contact” and tap the top of the screen (or scroll to the top) to show “My Number”. If you have Siri, ask her “what’s my number”… second thought, you might not want to say that out loud.

Spotlight: Where did that app go?
Have you ever lost an app? You know that you installed it, but you can’t remember where it’s at. Perhaps you let a little one (child, grandchild, etc) play with the phone and now your app is gone. Use Spotlight to find the app. Press your “Home Button” or swipe to the right to open the “Spotlight” window (search). Type the name of the app and it will show your results with the folder name to the right.

Phone: Nickname
Do you say the whole name when calling a contact (old school)? Maybe your tired and you call for someone by their nickname (no match found). Did you know that when you use voice commands to make calls, you can use just the first name or even nicknames? If you have junior in your family, just add the nickname to the contact…”call junior”.

Hope you enjoy these tips. Don’t forget, if you have a tip or app you want to share, pass it on.

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