Friday, December 21, 2012

Episode 63: Merged Phone Calls & Shared Location

Hi Everyone,

Last time, we were over the river and heading through the woods. Well, what if they decide to meet for lunch before going over to grandma’s house. Here’s some more tips for our holiday travelers.

Maps: Shared Location
Did you know that you can share your location from your map? Have you ever drove around trying to find your party, only to find yourself going in circles? Ask them to share their locations on their map app. They can send it via text. Click on the link and it will send it to your map. Route to location and your back on your way with a small detour before going to grandma’s house.

Phone: Merged Calls
Did you know that you can talk to multiple people on your phone at once? Get out of here...I know...Want to talk to grandma and auntie Em at the same time? Call your first person, "add call" and "merge calls" for the second and so on, depending on your network. This works as well if you are on a call and someone calls you. Just "Answer + Hold" your current call and the "merge calls" to create your own little conference/party call.

Hope you enjoy these tips. Have a safe holiday and don’t forget, if you have a great tip or app, pass it on.

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